The Adventure Zone is doing its first open-to-the-public live show! We'll be at the Wilbur Theater in Boston, MA, on Fri. July 15. Tickets go on sale this Wednesday, June 1, at noon EST.
Tickets will be available at! They will probably go quickly! Do not sleep on them!
That last adventure was a tough one. Our heroes have earned some time off -- both from mortal danger, and from each other. But how do adventurers spend their downtime between jobs? Also, what's hot and fresh at the bakery counter of the Fantasy Costco? Magnus considers a change in careers. Merle dishes out some beard-centric philosophy. Taako takes on a pupil.
After a climactic victory, our heroes have a few loose ends to tie up before moving on to their next adventure. Will Lucas and Maureen get Regulated? Will Kravitz claim his undead bounty? More importantly, how are they going to get that big, magic rock out of Magnus' tummy? Merle does prank medicine. Magnus tells a fib. Taako just twerks it out.